The Conceptual Couple System-Interface in Modern Thinking and Scientific Research

Cornelia Guja, The conceptual couple system-interface in modern thinking and scientific research, Vol.  REZUMATE, CONFERINŢA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ DE TOAMNĂ a Academiei Oamenilor de Știință din Romania (AOSR), BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, BUCURESTI, Tematica: "Tradiții și progrese în știința românească", 18-20 noiembrie 2021 PRINT ISSN 2601 – 5102, P. 14 VOLUM  DE  REZUMATE (

Convergence of the Individual, the Community, the Ethnicity and Multi-Ethnic Community. Anthropological Aspects.

Cornelia GUJA, Convergența individului, a colectivității, a etniei și a comunității multi-etnice. Aspecte antropologice., VOLUM DE REZUMATE, CONFERINŢA NATIONALĂ ŞTIINŢIFICĂ ACADEMIA OAMENILOR DE ŞTIINŢĂ DIN ROMÂNIA, 20 - 21 septembrie 2019, Brașov, P. 66-67, PROGRAM si VOLUM DE REZUMATE – CONFERINTA BRASOV 2019

3.1.2. Cornelia GUJA, Membru titular AOȘR, Cercetător științific gr.I (consultant științific) la Institutul de Antropologie Fr. I. Rainer, Academia Română, București, cguja@yahoo.com
Full Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Senior scientific researcher (scientific advisor) at Fr. I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest.

Convergența individului, a colectivității, a etniei și a comunității multi-etnice.
Aspecte antropologice.
Convergence of the Individual, the Community, the Ethnicity and Multi-Ethnic Community.
Anthropological Aspects.

Lucrarea noastră pleacă de la axioma că ființa umană este obiectul și subiectul în demersul privind înțelegerea și aprecierea fenomenului de convergență europeană și de la constatarea că în mare parte aceasta este principial și practic ignorată. Convergența este un fenomen prezent în natura vie și nevie fiind definită în termeni științifici de matematică și fizică. Convergența în natura vie este un fenomen mult mai complex și are un rol determinant în evoluția viului. Demersul nostru antropologic urmărește definirea și modelarea conceptului de convergență aplicat individului uman ca generator de activitate conștientă și de decizie voluntară. Omul ca persoană este un factor fundamental al colectivității umane care prin calitățile specifice de interfață multiplă cu societatea multi-etnică și lumea înconjurătoare determină dinamica socială umană. Interdependența ciclică biunivocă-cibernetică individ-colectivitate-comunitate-societate stă la baza capacității de convergență, coerență, coexistență și integrare socială aflată în permanentă dinamică. Convergența individului este strâns dependentă de starea de sănătate biopsihosocioculturală a acestuia, de gradul de integrare socială a sa, iar cea a colectivității, etniei și comunității, de parametrii de stabilitate și integrare ai acestora. Convergența economică este doar un component al lanțului cauză-efect, care caracterizează starea și sensul evolutiv al comunității. Modelul nostru arată factorii care determină indicatorii de convergență antropologică care contribuie în mod esențial la fenomenul de convergență individuala europeană.

Cuvinte cheie: convergență antropologică, individ uman, educație comunitară.

Our paper starts from the axiom that the human being is the object and the subject in our endeavour to understand and appreciate the European convergence phenomenon; it also starts from the finding that the human being is, to a wide extent ignored, in principle and practice. Convergence is a phenomenon present in living and nonliving nature, being defined scientifically in mathematics and physics. Convergence in living nature is a much more complex phenomenon and has a determining part in the evolution of the living. Our anthropological approach aims at defining and modelling the concept of convergence applied to the human individual as generator of conscious activity and voluntary decision making. Man as a person is a fundamental factor of human collectivity who determines human social dynamics owing to his specific qualities of multiple interfaces with multi-ethnic society and the surrounding world. The cyclic biunivocal-cybernetic interdependence individual-collectivity-community-society lies at the basis of the capacity of convergence, coherence, coexistence and social integration which is permanently dynamic. The individual’s convergence is in close connection with his biopsychosociocultural state and with his degree of social integration. Convergence of collectivity, ethnicity and community depends on their parameters of stability and integration. Economic convergence is only a component of the chain cause-effect, which characterizes the state and evolutive direction of the community. Our model shows the factors that determine the indicators of anthropological convergence which essentially contribute to the phenomenon of European individual convergence.

Keywords: anthropological convergence, human individual, community education.

Application of Systemic Thinking and Integronic Thinking in Biocosmological Informational Anthropology

Cornelia GUJA, 2018, Application of Systemic Thinking and Integronic Thinking in Biocosmological Informational Anthropology, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ACADEMY OF ROMANIAN SCIENTISTS, march 30th, 2018, Bucharest, Volume 1 issue 1, 2018 , ISSN 2601 – 5102, Abstract p.73-74


Cornelia GUJA, Membru titular AOȘR, Cercetător științific gr.I (consultant științific) la Institutul de Antropologie Fr. I. Rainer, Academia Română, București,,
Full Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Senior scientific researcher (scientific advisor) at Fr. I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest,,

Aplicarea gândirii sistemice şi a gândirii integronice în antropologia informaţională biocosmologică
Application of Systemic Thinking and Integronic Thinking in Biocosmological Informational Anthropology
Lucrarea noastră prezintă rezultate și avantaje ale utilizării gândirii sistemice oferită de teoria sistemelor, asociată cu gândirea integronică oferită de teoria interfețelor integratoare, aplicată în cercetările de antropologie informațională biocosmologică. Teoria sistemelor bazată pe gândirea sistemica utilizează conceptul de SISTEM în studiul anumitor categorii de corpuri, fenomene și procese din Univers care îndeplinesc condiția de a fi considerate sistem. Fenomenele antropologice însă sunt de o maximă complexitate și cuprind întreaga sferă umană care este practic nelimitată - Antroposfera - cu interfeŢele sale multiple: psihosfera, sociosfera, logosfera, noosfera, biocosmosfera care intermediază interacţiunea sistemelor umane. Aceste interfețe la rândul lor sunt de o extremă complexitate și determină integrarea sistemelor în mediul înconjurător natural, social şi cultural formând macrosisteme. Pentru studiul modalităților de comunicare informațională și de interdependență prin interfețe, dintre sistemele umane, utilizarea unei gândiri intergatoare (integronice) ajută la evidențierea proceselor specifice zonelor de graniță, intermediare, de tranziţie și care posedă calităţi de INTERFAŢĂ. Interfeţele au caracteristici distincte comparativ cu caracteristicile sistemelor și au un important rol în procesele de integrare. Sistemele și interfețele împreună conduc la procese de integrare evolutive naturale formând agregate din ce în ce mai complexe. În această lucrare prezentăm rezultate ale utilizării acestei metodologii de gândire privind coexistența celor două categorii de stări: starea corespunzătoare unui sistem şi starea de interfață. La nivelul microcosmic gândirea cuantică operează cu conceptele de particolă /undă pentru a descrie Universul cuantic, la nivelul nostru uman gândirea integronică cu conceptele de sistem /interfață pot descrie mai bine Universul nostru fizic clasic. Toate împreună contribuie la conștientizarea existenței noastre informaționale biocosmologice. Astfel o serie de probleme încă puțin înțelese cum sunt tandemurile conștient/inconștient, veghe/somn, somn/vise, integrare/dezintegrare își pot găsi răspunsuri mult așteptate.

Our paper presents the advantages of systemic thinking offered by systems theory associated with integronic thinking offered by integrating interface theory used in researches in the field of Biocosmological Informational Anthropology. Systems theory based on systemic thinking uses the concept of SYSTEM when studying certain categories of bodies, phenomena and processes in the Universe which meet the condition of being considered a system. Nevertheless, the anthropological phenomena are of utter complexity and include the entire human sphere, which is practically unlimited - Anthroposphere – with its multiple INTERFACES: psychoshere, sociosphere, logosphere, noosphere, biocosmosphere which act as an intermediate for human systems interaction. These interfaces are, in their turn, of maximum complexity and determine systems integration in the natural, social and cultural environment, forming macrosystems. In order to study the ways of informational communication and interdependence by means of interfaces, out of the human systems, the use of integrating (integronic) thinking helps to highlight the processes specific of borderline, intermediate, transition areas which also possess INTERFACE qualities. Interfaces have distinct characteristics in comparison with systems characteristics and play an important part in the integration processes. Systems and interfaces together lead to natural evolving integration processes forming more and more complex aggregations. In the present paper we present the results obtained when using this thinking methodology regarding the coexistence of the two categories of states: the state corresponding to a system and the interface state. At microscopic level Quantum thinking operates with concepts like particle/wave in order to describe the Quantum Universe; at our human level integronic thinking with the concepts of system/interface may describe our classical physical Universe better. They all contribute to make us aware of our biocosmological informational existence. In this way a series of problems that are not yet fully understood, such as the tandems conscious/unconscious, wakefulness/sleep, sleep/dreams, integration/disintegration can find their long expected answers.

Cuvinte cheie: sistem, interfață, coexistența, integronică, comunicare informațională, antropologie biocosmologică
Keywords: system, interface, coexistence, integronics, informational communication, biocosmological anthropology


Guja Cornelia, 2017, THE IMPORTANCE OF iNDIVIDUAL’S ANTHROPOLOGY FOR EDUCATION AND CIVIC EDUCATION, Academia Oamenilor de Stiință din România (AOSR), Sesiunea Științifică de Toamnă, Cercetarea științifică în sprijinul dezvoltării durabile,Timișoara , 12-14 octombrie 2017, Abstract p. 56-57, Sesiunii Locatia Bibliotecii UPT (și-rezumate-SES-TM-2017.pdf).


Cornelia Guja, Senior scientific researcher I, Full member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Scientific advisor at “Fr. I. Rainer” Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest,

 Importanta Antropologiei individului pentru invatamant si educatia civica

Rezumat. Lucrarea are ca scop evidențierea importanței cunoaşterii rezultatelor studiilor antropologice de către comunitatea ştiințifică si cea publică. Antropologia se defineşte foarte succint ca ştiinţa generală despere om şi umanitate, cu specificul său interdisciplinar de gândire şi abordare a problemelor societăţii omeneşti. Curiozitatea nelimitată a antropologilor abordează propria ființă şi pe semenii săi. Ea cuprinde astăzi o paletă foarte extinsă de subdomenii a căror ritm deosebit de accelerat de dezvoltare poate fi urmărit cu mare dificultate. Unitatea antropologiei, în diversitatea preocupărilor sale este dată de Antropologia individului, de “Obiectul” său de studiu, comun tuturor ramurilor antropologiei: individul, fiinţa umană, cu identitatea, personalitatea, conştiinta şi spiritualitatea sa proprie şi unică care depaşeşte acum in 2017, 7,5 miliarde de indivizi pe intreaga planetă. Antropologia individului concentrată pe componentul elementar al societatii omeneşti: sintetizeză sub o formă unitară cunoştințele despre om care se acumulează permanent. Lucrarea prezentă sistematizeaza o serie de aspecte specifice omului - speciei Homo sapiens, care stau la baza procesului de umanizare si care il diferențiază de animale. Deasemeni prezintă particularități adaptativ-evolutive ale individului uman care modelează in permanentă condiția umană sau o degradează. Descrie caracteristici ale fenomenului om ca unicat care interfațează interacțiunea omului cu societatea si mediul, prin cultura. Sunt prezentate deasemeni modele ale individului uman care pun accent pe cunoaşterea si ințelegerea rolului sau complementar si paradoxal: si anume tandemul individul uman ca agent cultural agregat in colectivitate cu caracteristici comune unui grup, transmițator de cultură şi acela de vector creator şi generator de cultură, cu personlitate şi spiritualitate proprii, unice. Cunoştințele de Antropologia individului privind constituientul indivizibil al materiei vii conştiente de sine – omul (asemeni cunoştințelor despre atom, componentul elementar al materiei ordinare si celula care stă la baza organizării materiei vii) trebuie sa fie insuşite cel puțin la acelaşi nivel cu cunoştințele de botanica si zoologie, incă din etapele inițiale ale proceselor de instrucție şi educație civica – educație antropologică.

Abstract. The present paper intends to highlight the fact that it is of utter importance for the scientific and public community to be acquainted with the results of anthropological studies. Briefly, Anthropology is defined as the general science about man and humanity, having its specific interdisciplinary way of dealing with the problems of human society. The anthropologists’ unlimited curiosity is directed towards their own person and towards their fellow human beings. It includes nowadays a very large range of sub-areas whose very accelerated development rate is very difficult to follow. The unity of Anthropology in the diversity of its preoccupations is given by Individual’s Anthropology by its “Object” of study common to all the branches of Anthropology: the individual, the human being with his own and unique identity, personality, conscience and spirituality which has surpassed, in 2017, 7.5 billion human beings on the whole planet. The Individual’s Anthropology focused on the elementary component of human society synthesizes, in a unitary form, the knowledge about man which is permanently accumulating. The paper presents, in a synthetic approach, a series of aspects specific of man - of Homo sapiens species that lie at the basis of the humanization process and differentiate him from animals. It also presents adaptive-evolutive peculiarities of the human individual which permanently shape or degrade human condition. It describes characteristics of the phenomenon man as unique acting as interface of man’s interaction with society and the environment via culture. There are also presented models of the human individual that emphasize knowledge and understanding of his complementary and paradoxical part, i.e. the tandem human individual as cultural agent aggregated in collectivity with common characteristics for a group, culture transmitter, and that of culture creator and generator vector with unique personality and spirituality. The knowledge of Individual’s anthropology regarding the indivisible constituent of self-aware living matter – man (similar with the knowledge referring to the atom, the elementary component of ordinary matter and the cell, which is the basis of living matter organization), should be toughed at least at the level of the knowledge in Botany and Zoology ever since the initial stages of instruction and civic education - anthropological education.
Cuvinte cheie: antropologia individului, specific uman, specific individual, educație antropologică
Keywords: individual’s anthropology, human specific, individual specific, anthropological education

THE DREAM - Evolutive Informational Communication Form between Sleep and Wakefulness

Guja Cornelia (2017), THE DREAM - Evolutive Informational Communication Form between Sleep and Wakefulness. Problems of Individual’s Anthropology, Informational and Biocosmological Anthropology,  Vol. Abstract, 24 March 2017, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania , Medicine and Biology, P. 28

Visul - formă de comunicare informaţională evolutivă între starea de somn şi starea de veghe. Probleme de Antropologia individului, antropologie informaţională şi biocosmologică.
THE DREAM - Evolutive Informational Communication Form between Sleep and Wakefulness. Problems of Individual’s Anthropology, Informational and Biocosmological Anthropology.
Rezumat. Lucrarea prezentă se referă la vis, ca fenomen antropologic trăit conștient de om după și înainte de trezire. Am plecat de la observația că studiile actuale privind starea de vis nu iau în considerație sau nu pun accentul necesar pe factorii evolutivi antropologici ai contextului larg în care a apărut specia Homo Sapiens. Omul este un „produs” terestru, astronomic, cosmic și ca urmare trebuie să răspundă adaptativ la necesitățile contextului în care a luat naștere. Întrebarea generică antropologică: de ce, din ce cauză visăm? poate duce la răspunsuri de mult căutate. Studiul nostru continuă un studiu anterior privind ciclul uman somn-veghe extins la condițiile terestre dar și la cele cosmice în care evoluează omul, încercând să încadreze starea de vis precum și amintirea lui în stare conștientă, ca un proces adaptativ-evolutiv spre o cunoaștere, integrare şi adaptare multipotentă cosmică.

Abstract. The present paper deals with the dream as an anthropological phenomenon experienced by man consciously after and before waking up. We have started from the idea that the present studies on the state of dream do not take into account or do not stress enough the anthropological evolutive factors of the wide context in which Homo sapiens appeared. Man is a terrestrial, astronomic, cosmic “product” and consequently he must react in an adaptative manner to the requirements of the context in which he was born. The generic anthropological question: why, what makes us dream? may lead to answers that have been long searched for. The present study continues a previous study on the human cycle sleep-wakefulness extended to both terrestrial and cosmic conditions in which man develops, attempting to include the dream state and its recollection in a state of consciousness as an adaptive-evolutionary process towards a cosmic multipotential knowledge, integration and adjustment.

Cuvinte cheie: visul, ciclul somn-veghe, interfață adaptativ-evolutivă, context cosmic, antropologia individului, antropologie informațională
Keywords: the dream, sleep-wakefulness cycle, adaptive-evolutionary interface, cosmic context, individual’s anthropology, informational anthropology

Problems of Biocosmological Informational Anthropology Concerning the Study of Wakefulness-Sleep Complementarity

Cornelia Guja, 2016, Problems of Biocosmological Informational Anthropology Concerning the Study of Wakefulness-Sleep Complementarity, Vol. Abstract, 26-29 May 2016, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania, Medicine and Biology, Abstract:P. 59-60. 


Probleme de antropologie informaţională biocosmologică în studiul complementarităţii veghe - somn.
Problems of Biocosmological Informational Anthropology Concerning the Study of Wakefulness-Sleep Complementarity
Lucrarea noastră abordează cele două stări fiziologice fundamentale veghe-somn ale omului, într-un cadru cu coordonate antropologice generale: spaţiu-timp, periodicitate-variabilitate, conştient-inconştient. Starea de veghe (SV) sub diversele ei aspecte este obiectul de studiu al ştiinţelor actuale, în laborator. SV alternează periodic cu starea de somn (SS). SS este dificil de studiat în laborator. Ea ocupă aproximativ ¼ din durata vieţii şi necesită un comportament şi o stare fiziologică specifică. Motivaţia acestui studiu pleacă de la întrebările: de ce antropogeneza a menţinut în asemenea proporţie la om această stare de deosebită vulnerabilitate pentru existenţa sa: reducerea răspunsurilor la stimuli externi şi absenţa conştientei? Din ce cauza şi/sau în ce scop? SS se dovedeşte a fi puternic implicată în evoluţia biologică şi culturală a omului. Scopul acestei abordări este analiza cauzelor fizice, biofizice, ecologice şi astronomice care au determinat selectarea SS în decursul antropogenezei şi menţinerea unei ponderi importante în bugetul de timp al omului. Ipoteza de studiu este ca SS este o stare generală fundamentală de adaptare la condiţiile cosmice în care a evoluat omul. Metoda de analiză utilizată este metoda interfeţelor cosmice [Guja, 1993] care încadrează existenţa umană în coordonate fizice, ecologice şi cosmice generale. Concluzia acestui demers antropologic este ca Starea de Somn (SS) este o interfaţă adaptativă evolutivă cosmică a omului, complementară stării de veghe şi aferentă unor proprietăţi universale ale naturii insuficient studiate.
Our paper deals with the two fundamental physiological states, wakefulness-sleep, characteristic of man, within a framework with general anthropological coordinates: space-time, periodicity – variability, consciousness-unconsciousness. The state of wakefulness (SW), with all its aspects, is the object of study of the present sciences in the laboratory. The SW alternates periodically with the state of sleep (SS). The SS is difficult to study in the laboratory. It takes about one fourth of one’s life and requires a specific behavior and physiological state. The motivation of the present study starts from the following questions: why did anthropogenesis maintain this state of great vulnerability with man: reduction of response to external stimuli and absence of consciousness? What is the reason or the purpose? SS proves to be deeply implied in man’s biological evolution and culture. The purpose of this study is to analyze the physical, biophysical, ecological and astronomic causes that determined SS selection during anthropogenesis and the fact that sleep occupies a grate deal in human life. The study hypothesis is that SS is a fundamental general state of adaptation to the cosmic conditions in which man developed. The method for analysis is that of cosmic interfaces [Guja, 1993] which place human existence on general physical, ecological and cosmic coordinates. The conclusion of this anthropological study is that state of wakefulness (SW) is a cosmic, evolutive, adaptive interface of man, complementary to the state of wakefulness and connected to scarcely studied universal properties of nature.


Cornelia GUJA, 2016, PROBLEMS OF BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. SLEEP – WAKEFULNESS CYCLE WITH MAN AS A FORM OF LIFE ADAPTATION WITHIN THE CONTEXT EARTH-COSMOS, Vol. 5 no 2 / 2016 Annals Series on Biological Sciences,  Volume 5, No. 2, 2016, pp. 67-87 Online Edition ISSN 2285 – 4177.




Guja, Cornelia, Guja, (2015), Near-Death Experience (NDE) – Interface Between Life and Death and Between Science and Religion, Vienna International Congress on Science and/or Religion: a debate of the 21st century, Sigmund Freud University, (Vienna, 27-29 August, 2015), Abstract Book, p. 57. ISBN: 978-3-902626-49-3, Vienna, Austria.



The paper intends to analyze, from an anthropological point of view, the significance and importance of near death experiences (NDE) with persons in clinical death status (CD). People experiencing near death that come back to life, either resuscitated or spontaneously, have feelings and perceptions that are difficult to explain with scientific arguments. Sometimes they have a significantly religious content and are described in a similar way regardless of sex, age, cultural or religious degree of the persons coming round. CD is a state of the human body at the limit between life and death. NDE is a new individual experiment which we considered to be an informational anthropological interface between the living organism and the one at the limit with the non-living. In the latter situation the main systems of the human organism – the heart, the lung, and the brain - are partially or totally non-functional. Birth and life are processes intensely studied by biological, medical and anthropological sciences. Death, on the other hand, is a natural process less approached even by the modern man. The scientific explanations are unsatisfactory mainly owing to the limits of the dogmas of materialist science while the religious explanations are unsatisfactory owing to their dogmas. The present paper proposes to change the way of thinking about man’s adaptation and evolution. When studying we should apply the method of astronomic interfaces alongside with the method of systems currently used nowadays. NDE offers the opportunity to study the limits of human existence, to reformulate the conception on our individual and social life and its part played in the evolution of society and nature.


Cornelia GUJA, 2015, INTERFACES THEORY APPLIED IN INFORMATIONAL BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Vol. 4 no 2 / 2015 Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Volume 4, No. 2, 2015, pp. 83 -101, ISSN 2285 – 4177 Online Edition 


The paper intends to approach, from an anthropological point of view, near-death experiences (NDEs). The interdisciplinary character of anthropological sciences and their capacity to study human variability in its whole complexity makes it possible today to analyze the phenomenon of human experience (feeling) by NDE from a scientific, religious and philosophical point of view. The general character of the phenomenon identified by medicine on a large scale at present, as well as its individualized character demonstrates its cognitive importance. In this paper we attempt to analyze the phenomena of NDEs using the interface method which we developed in time. We started from the hypothesis that NDE is an interface between life and death, and, at the same time, between science and religion. Near-death experience is an Anthropological phenomenon, both individual and collective, that should be approached in its entire complexity and profoundness. It is highly relevant for practical and theoretical science and religion, as well as for understanding man’s and mankind’s origin, evolution and future.
Keywords: Near-Death Experiences, interface, Informational Anthropology, archetypal communication.


Cornelia GUJA, 2014, BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARISTOTLE’S FOUR CAUSALITIES. THE METHOD OF ASTRONOMICAL CONTEXTS, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Copyright ©2014 Academy of Romanian Scientist, Volume 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 54 – 68, Printed in Romania. All rights reserved.


The purpose of the paper is to present a study method adequate to the specific object of Informational BioCosmological Anthropology, i.e. an Anthropology in which man and human society are considered as an organic part of the entire Cosmos with which they have informational encoded, archetypal communication. I started from the idea that there is a correlation between man‟s adaptation phenomenon and the living in general, to the contexts within which life developed on Earth and to the principles of Aristotle‟s method of thinking. I relied on the results of my personal biophysical and anthropological physiological studies carried out over a long period of time - Guja 1974-2013 and I established four hypotheses referring to the possible conditions that determined organic differentiated adaptation: material, formal, efficient and final for the human species over millennia. Our method associated Aristotle‟s causalities with the impact of particular astronomical contexts in which life developed on our Earth. Within informational BioCosmological Anthropology, using this method and modality of informational thinking, based on the interface theory one may find answers to the questions: why did man‟s adaptation take place as it did and not otherwise? Present Anthropology is oriented and progressing in describing how adaptation and human life evolution has taken place.


Cornelia GUJA, 2013, HUMAN EVOLUTION THROUGH INFORMATIONAL ADAPTATIONS TO THE SOLAR CONTEXT. PROBLEMS OF BIOCOSMOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Academy of Romanian Scientists, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Copyright ©2013 Academy of Romanian Scientist, Volume 2, No. 1, 2013, pp. 53 – 72, ISSN 2285-4177 Online Edition, Abstract:


This paper contains the following sections: A) A presentation of our ideas and models about evolution and informational adaptation, placing the human being within the cosmic context where it belongs, and with which it coexists; B) A synthesis of our results on the electrographic investigation of hands and soles which has helped us to establish bioelectrical typologies; C) A synthesis of our research on physiological intracranial calcification; D) Arguments in favour of the role of homeostasis (informational cybernetics process) in evolutionary adaptation to the bioelectrical (electromagnetic field) and geophysical (gravitation) cycles of the Earth in our especial solar context and our dependence on the cosmic evolutionary context (cosmic radiation).
Key words: solar context, bioelectrical typology, pineal calcification, informational adaptation, Biocosmological anthropology


Guja, Cornelia, 2013, CORRELATIONS BETWEEN HUMAN ADAPTATION, THE EARTH-COSMOS CONTEXT AND ARISTOTLE’S FOUR CAUSALITIES, Philosophy Study, ISSN 2159-5313, October 2013, Vol. 3, No. 10, 914-928.Online edition: 



The Earth, which is a planet of the Solar System, was formed and evolved as part of the WHOLE, in close connection with the evolution of the Universe. The awareness, knowledge and understanding of our coexistence with the Universe may clarify a series of obscure problems of our existence and, at the same time, may bring solutions for other acute problems which our modern society has to face, such as energy, nature preservation, the origin, evolution and adaptation of the living and especially of man to the environment, etc. This paper is trying to theoretically break up the concept of "environment" into four fundamental contexts: terrestrial, lunar, solar-planetary and cosmic context. We intend to approach the four contexts that distinctly and simultaneously influence life on Earth using the interface theory which we developed in Informational Anthropology, Integronics and Biocosmological Anthropology.We consider that the living adapted and developed in a differentiated way according to the impact of these contexts.They may be the source for the four causalities Aristotle intuited, as well as the cause of many still unknown phenomena that diversified man's evolution and variability (Ackrill 1997; Falcon 2008).



BIOCOSMOLOGY – NEO-ARISTOTELISM, Vol.2, No.4, Autumn 2012, Article:
Elements of Biocosmological Anthropology: Informational Communication by Archetypal Forms,
A new research direction in a certain field is determined by the appearance of new objectives for the field under study in which one finds new interdependencies, new types of relations or new forms of communication specific of the new objective. Constituting an Informational “Biocosmological Anthropology” would fulfill a natural aspiration for the modern epoch. Man-Cosmos interrelation within Anthropology is indirectly implicated in many sub-fields but not as a declared object as such, with its own methodological status. Biocosmology initiated and developed in the last few years under the auspices of “The Biocosmological Association – BCA”: meets many essential problems of present Anthropology. Some of the concepts and the theoretical and experimental methodology which lie at the basis of Informational Anthropology ( may be a starting point for supporting and developing the conceptual foundation of Biocosmology [31, 37]. The experiments we made during our laboratory researches in the field of Individual's Anthropology regarding electrographic diagnosis revealed the fact that, between the integrating and adaptive processes in the internal, organic medium and the external environment there are very interesting interactions that may be seen on a radiological negative. The electrographic diagnosis consists in interpreting the images existing on the radiological film by interposing the palms and plants in a high voltage electromagnetic field for a few second fractions. The photosensitive film records imprint the images of certain electric discharges, sparks, which contain the information inherent to space and communication phenomena (interaction) adjacent to the studied interfaces. After computerized analysis of thousands of such images, we reached the conclusion that the shapes of electrical discharge (streamers) may be classified in a few categories that help establish the diagnosis health/illness. The paper presents the results of these studies carried out during several decades. Interpretation of comparative studies has led to conclusions regarding man‟s integration and adjustment owing to the presence of certain communication forms (archetypal codes) which we consider to be specifically informational. They are present in the interface of all systems and subsystems that are interacting and are integrated in the environment on the Earth and maybe in the farther Cosmos. These shapes prove to be well known in our planetary and cosmic existence – archetypal forms. Observation of the unity of forms (the presence of the same shape) led us to the development of a theory on the existence and coexistence of some fundamental forms. They may be found at various levels of organization in any living structure adapted to the fundamental context (fields) on the Earth: gravitational, electromagnetic and informational (informed field) – with the forms of interacting types, called by us informons.
KEYWORDS: human interface, solar system, gravitational adaptation, electromagnetic adaptation, informational adaptation, diagnosis health/illness, communication by forms


Cornelia GUJA, 2012, MODEL OF COSMIC CYCLICITY OF TERRESTRIAL HUMAN ACTIVITIES Academy of Romanian Scientists, Annals Series on Biological Sciences, Copyright ©2012 Academy of Romanian Scientist, Volume 1, No. 1, 2012, pp. 130 – 144, Online Edition,                                                         


Abstract: The paper has in view to continue and develop the human models that lie at the basis of Informational Anthropology (Guja, 2008) and Individual’s Anthropology (Guja, 1989), by placing the human being and society within the cosmic context in which it actually is and with which it coexists. It is important to underline the effects of the Earth’s continuous movement in space upon our everyday existence. We attempted to answer questions with anthropological character, such as: What is the process ensuring good transmission of fundamental sociocultural behaviours, the generic and genetic causative support of their historical continuity? The field is studied by cultural anthropology and other sociocultural sciences and there is a great diversity of the debates depending on the work hypothesis we started from. In this paper I deal with the problem from the positions of Informational Anthropology, Biocosmology and modern Relativistic-Quantum Physics, starting from the hypothesis that the fundamental causal factor that determined the good organization of anthropological processes in time is cyclicity and periodicity of the cosmic context which is reflected at the level of individual and collective conscience.
Key words: anthropologic model, cosmic cyclicity, cyclic cultural interface 

Elements of Biocosmological Anthropology: Informational Integration by Archetypal Forms

Guja Cornelia, (2012), Elements of Biocosmological Anthropology: Informational Integration by Archetypal Forms, 3rd International Seminar on Biocosmology and 1st International Witten Seminar on Philosophy and Medicine (June 30th and July 1st, 2012, Witten/Herdecke University),  Germany, Book of Abstracts, pp.19,

Abstract. The birth of a new research direction in a certain field is determined by the appearance of new  objectives for the field under study in which one finds new interdependencies, new types of relations or  new forms of communication specific of the new objective. Constituting an Informational  “Biocosmological Anthropology” would fulfill a natural aspiration for the modern epoch. Man-Cosmos  interrelation within Anthropology is indirectly implicated in many sub-fields but not as a declared object as such, with its own methodological status. Biocosmology, initiated and developed in the last few years under the auspices of “The Biocosmological Association - BCA”: biocosmological-association---bca, meets many essential problems of present Anthropology. Some of the concepts and the theoretical and experimental methodology which lie at the basis of Informational Anthropology: may be a starting point for supporting and developing the conceptual foundation of Biocosmology: Biocosmology and Informational Anthropology: Some Common .... The experiments we made during our laboratory researches in the field of Individual‟s Anthropology regarding electrographic diagnosis revealed the fact that, between the integrating and adaptive processes in the internal, organic medium and the external environment there are very interesting interactions that may be seen on a radiological negative. The electrographic diagnosis consists in interpreting the images existing on the radiological film by interposing the palms in a high voltage electromagnetic field for a few second fractions. The images contain imprints of certain electric discharges, sparks, on the photosensitive film. After computerized analysis of thousands of such images, we reached the conclusion that the shapes of electrical discharge may be classified in a few categories that help establish the diagnosis health/illness. These shapes prove to be well known in our planetary and
cosmic existence – archetypal forms. The paper presents the results of these studies carried out during
several decades. Interpretation of comparative studies has led to conclusions regarding man‟s integration and adjustment owing to the presence of certain communication forms (archetypal codes) which we consider to be specifically informational. They are present in the interface of all systems and subsystems that are interacting and are integrated in the environment on the Earth and maybe in the farther Cosmos.